Tuesday, February 25, 2014


This week marks the half way point! With that being said, it also means it's also time for midterms. We have midterms both tomorrow and Thursday before heading off to Greece Thursday afternoon. Tomorrow I have art history and Spain and the European Union midterms, Thursday history and grammar. I'm not exactly looking forward to them, but I do enjoy my classes and I've been learning so much. It's been a little difficult to learn everything in Spanish, but I think I'm understanding everything!

I'm hoping the water in the Greek Islands will be similar to Tenerife!

Yesterday marked my third week volunteering at the museum. I really enjoy it, and this past weekend I was there Saturday and Sunday. We literally had people from all over the world come to visit, from Israel to the U.S. to Brazil to different parts of Spain. It's given me a lot of practice in speaking Spanish, with a little English mixed in.

View of the Church in Martín Muñoz

This past week we went on a mini-excursion for class to the city of Martín Muñoz in Segovia to visit the castle and the church that has a painting by El Greco. It was a fun trip and it turns they enjoyed having us there enough to put us in the paper! I found the article online at: http://www.eladelantado.com/noticia/provincia/186813/americanos_en_martin_munoz.

Slightly Blurry Group Picture with “La Crucifixión” by El Greco
It's probably about that time for me to go study, but there's a little bit about what's been happening over here. I won't be able to post next week because it's spring break, but there will be more to come when I get back!