I can't believe it's already the end of week one already! Over here it's almost one in the afternoon, not almost seven in the morning. I usually get a little down time when I don't have classes in the morning and then again after lunch. I'm starting to adjust to the time difference and the different schedule. Breakfast is usually pretty light and, depending on the day, early in the morning if I have class or when I get up for the weekend. I typically have "tostadas" (toast) with strawberry jelly and warm "leche" (milk). The milk is different here, I think it might be whole milk because it's sweeter than our milk and a bit thicker. It doesn't taste bad, it's just different and takes a little getting used to. After breakfast, I either will go to classes or hang out with my host mom until lunch. Yesterday we went to run errands. Since we live five minutes away from the aqueduct, it doesn't take long to get into town. We went to several shops for groceries and she kept pointing out the stores that were "baratos" (cheap) along the way. The streets are pretty small and they're all made of stone, but it's so beautiful to just walk around the city. Most of the grocery shops we went to have a huge variety of seafood, since Spain is a big consumer of all types of seafood. Unfortunately I'm not a huge fan of fish, but I did try it at least. The other thing that I found really interesting was the amount of American products that were in the stores next to the Spanish equivalents. This is the second day that I haven't gotten sick while being here, but my host mom still has me on a strict bland diet. She got me the Spanish version of corn flakes and some all-natural yogurt. She kept telling me that when I get better I can have more of the different kinds of food.
View from the Apartment |
We don't typically eat lunch until around two or three in the afternoon and my host mom's daughter always comes to eat with us. I love the siesta time, which I think is around two or three to about five. Everything shuts down and people go home for lunch and to relax or take a siesta (nap). After eating, I usually hang out with my host mom and her daughter for a little bit before taking a siesta. We always watch either the news or some kind of T.V.. I like watching the news, but I can only understand parts of it because they talk so fast. Typically my host mom starts off talking slower to me but then forgets and talks really fast, so I understand most of what she's saying. I think the biggest problem with the language difference is forming what I want to say back to everyone, but it should get easier.
Walking to the City |
Yesterday after my siesta a group of us from the school decided to go walk around the city and look at the shops before dinner. We started off at the Plaza Mayor for a little bit and then ended up taking a walking path over by our school. We originally thought it led to a river, but it turns out it led to the Alcázar, which is this huge castle by the river. I love that because Segovia is so old and has so many monuments and landmarks we could just accidentally find a castle.
At the Plaza Mayor |
For some reason we decided to keep following the path instead of turning around to get back, so we went for a long, all uphill walk back around the city. It's definitely a workout everywhere I go since walking is the best way to get around.
Alcázar de Segovia |
After the castle adventure, it was about time to go back to our host families for dinner. Dinner is usually around ten or so at night. My host mom doesn't typically eat dinner, so we sit and talk while I eat a light dinner and then we watch T.V. again before I go to bed. She stays up later than me, since they don't go to bed here until midnight or one in the morning, later on weekends. I'm starting to stay up a little later, but I have my first class at 8:40 in the morning on the weekdays and I like to have sleep!