I can't believe that it's already week three here! In some ways it feels like I just got here, but in others it seems like I've been here forever. I've learned so much and this week has not been an exception.
Beautiful View of the Mountains and the City from the School |
Yesterday was definitely a walking adventure. For class we went to the cathedral, which is in the Plaza Mayor. Built in the 16th century, the cathedral has a compilation of history over the centuries of its use. We weren't allowed to take pictures, but it was incredible. My favorite artifacts were the 16th century hymn books that were displayed between two pipe organs. They were in almost perfect condition, and I just really love old books. I was allowed to take pictures outside in the courtyard, so I was happy.
Outside the Cathedral |
Inside |
I also went on a mini adventure of my own yesterday afternoon to the Iglesia de Vera Cruz. Located near the Alcázar, the Iglesia de Vera Cruz is a 13th century church founded by the Knights Templar.
La Iglesia de Vera Cruz |
From where I'm living, it takes about fifteen to twenty minutes to get to the castle; from there, it took about another forty minutes to get to the church. Come to find out the church was closed, so I just got to walk around the outside...hopefully I can find when it re-opens.
View of the Alcázar from the Church |
Thankfully it was a nice day for a walk, so I took the nature trail to get back into the city. I've been doing so much walking here, but it really is the best way to get around.
More Stairs |
I'm excited for what other adventures await in the upcoming weeks!